
Recent posts by helloperson

My little sis IS A B*TCH
Originally posted by Jeff the killer*Dances*

Wow grow up
updated chat!
Why does the site keep giving me pop ups? WOW. i thought this was supposed to be cool. way to jawa me down lil boy. make it stop! it hurtsssssss.
v4 beta update
Why dont you just finish the site and stop doing these stupid updates
if u were rich what would u do?
I wouldn't make stupid forum posts (hint hint)
Do you like GamesButler?
This site broke my computer, because this site is really dumb. For real.
25k members giveaway ideas
Maybe something that would actually make sense, like a book. They have knowledge, unlike all of you.
Weekly Bonus Points Nov 13th +10 points
Weekly Bonus Points Oct 30 - Nov 6th +5 points
Maybe a button to make you have better ideas. This seems just like a copy of facebook chat, and TDORtommyboy|FBG $| if you need a block button, just dont be their friend. A cool idea for the site would be a page where you could view all the games by category or something.
Live Preview: New video player (+5 points)
I can see where u are coming from, but really what are u even thinking?
WBP Oct. 3rd - 9th. +10 points
That looks like a really dumb idea, all the things you are adding are really impulsive and should be more thought out. Do you know how this update will affect some people visiting the site? Wow, spend more time on things :P. If you don't think things through someone visiting might be hurt my the update.
WBP Sept. 4-11th. +10 Points
I think you should spend more time on the things you work on, not that good this time....
20,000 Members!
I remember when i first joined, when it took 30 points to be in the top 100 players
Why did you look at me that way?
Why did you look at me that way?
Looking is creepy
WBP Aug 21st - 28th +10 points
Grandma Eats a baby deer 3.
What did you eat for Lunch?
My toes hurt
summertime, the livin's easy
Summer is a time for being outside :D
My toes hurt, :(
WBP July 25 - 31st. +5-10 Points
The man who could eat a house

add it, it is a good game :D
Obama Sucks!!!!!!!!!!!
Madison it is the peoples fault. People need to start working together as one. About your Grandma being a teacher, state governors have been cutting school funding causing schools to make big cuts.
Obama Sucks!!!!!!!!!!!
OKAY MADISON! You are totally wrong from your view. If you look at the facts like people like you would, you would actually see that the country was getting screwed up BEFORE Obama came into office. The fact that you can't see that Bush did something wrong is totally ignorant. It really ticks me off that people like you can't see that when someone that isn't in your political party does something good, it is bad to you. You need to open your eyes! Look out the window! When people say that Obama isn't doing a good job, they should look at the previous president. Bush started with a surplus in money and ended his second term with the country in debt. The only reason he got his second term was because he scared the country into thinking there would be more terror attacks if he wasn't re-elected. Obama has at least started the fix the problem he inherited. He could do better but he is doing better than others could do in his position. If you write anything more on this forum I want a real reason why Obama sucks and why Bush is better, not crap.
WBP June 12-19th. +10 points
1. sandbox
2. I like multiplayer games (reason i dont play on this site like at all anymore) (I like minecraft)
WBP June 5-12. +5-25 Points
As a very wise man once said,
"My favorite game is nyan cat"
WBP May 8th-15th. +10 points
1. makes the website cooler
2. leader board not big enough
3. bigger leaderboard
v3 Changelog
WEll it all comes down to how u play on the website. this is not verified in the question so i would have to go with ketchup. it is red like youtube and has games on the back of the bottle like gamesbutler. iF you want a better answer then answer it yourself. I dont understand how u could be so stupid not to know what is better urself :P well ketchup wins in my book. It is almost as good as mowing the grass on a nice thunderstormy day. Yes. That is what i thought. Sincerally, Helloperson
v3 Beta Releases
whenever i get on the site tries to make me play games i dont know if it is suposed to do this but the whole home page is filled with computer games. Is this a bug? There are also games scattered acorss the site on the other tabs and it says i like games on my page. Is there any way this can be fixed? Soon? I dont know how long i can stand the bug showing me games on this site. It frustrates me like an amish electrician. If this goes on i dont know if i will be able to stay playing on this site againish. I am backish. I guess. only if the games go away :P something is wrong and it needs fixed. Is there anything you can do to fix this? It is very important to me that it is fixed so i can start to play again. Tell me when it is fixed then i will start to play the games on this site again. i cant stand not being able to play the games anymore. That is why i left for like half a year. The bug is still here. Fix it soon. Thanks. Sincerelly, Helloperson

v3 category pages
Looks cool
1000 Gamers
535 gamer carrots do not affect the murderous bunnies.
1000 Gamers
499 gamer
End of the Year Bonus Points (+15 Points)
Good job gamesbutler
WBP Dec 12 - 19. +5 Points
The fact is the best game of the year should be Death Dice overdose. This game was added 13 months ago but it is so awesome it should still be the game of the year. sorry for breaking the 12 month limit. To support this choice i must say that there are a dozen months in a year. It should be a bakers dozen so it includes the best game ever that was added 13 months ago. :)
1000 Gamers
252 gamer
WBP Nov 14th - 21st (+5 Points)
i would like achievments on death dice overdoce cause it a very good game yes please add acheivements to it yes? i know you will cause i asked ya cause that good cause it will make me fell better ya so i say it good for ya heart cause it fun ta play yes? gardens are where you grow food that you can eat and you can make a compost pile and all. this game is very fun cause it has smiles and they can save the world and it never ends ya! wow this game is fun. why dont you have more like it it is so a awesome yeppers. the truck is running away what!?!?! wow yep.
1000 Gamers
17 gamer (because black ops is amazing!)
i like it!
word assotiation
random guy
+5 Bonus Points Oct. 10th - 17th
+5 Bonus Points (+T-Shirt) Oct. 3rd - 10th
Gamesbutler: New games everyday with great service
+10 Bonus Points (WBP: Sept. 26th - Oct. 3rd)
Yes, i like it
I always try my best
More medal games
WBP: Sept. 17th - 26th (+5 Points, 3 T-Shirts)
Happy birthday gamesbutler!!! Your one year older than you used to be but your still cool!
help im bored
flood runner 2
Update Tester Applications
1) PC
2) Firefox 3.5
3) No, sorry
Weekly Bonus Points: August 8th - August 15th
look really cool i think it will be good
Weekly Bonus Points: August 1st - August 8th
I like, but i have a question - when you click on the veiw all button by the medels, does it show the games that you have them in?
very cool
need help POST HERE
why did the chicken cross the road?
get ready for this..... to reach the other side!!! hahahahahahahahaha rofl
Hey dom ideas for gb everyone post ideas
a thing on the profile page that displays all the highscores u have in games and auto updates