OKAY MADISON! You are totally wrong from your view. If you look at the facts like people like you would, you would actually see that the country was getting screwed up BEFORE Obama came into office. The fact that you can't see that Bush did something wrong is totally ignorant. It really ticks me off that people like you can't see that when someone that isn't in your political party does something good, it is bad to you. You need to open your eyes! Look out the window! When people say that Obama isn't doing a good job, they should look at the previous president. Bush started with a surplus in money and ended his second term with the country in debt. The only reason he got his second term was because he scared the country into thinking there would be more terror attacks if he wasn't re-elected. Obama has at least started the fix the problem he inherited. He could do better but he is doing better than others could do in his position. If you write anything more on this forum I want a real reason why Obama sucks and why Bush is better, not crap.