
King AJ's Castle

5,646 posts
ModLevel 32
5,891 Posts
No, he actually sung the words of the treaty. :P
AJ you spelled Peter wrong in the title of this forum. its not spelled A-J, its spelled P-E-T-E-R
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
*highfives Peter* Let us start a force that will overthrow this kingdom, then YOU shall rule, ALL HAIL KING PETER THE (Insert something a girl would call u here)
Big Meat Pete
Meaty Petey

ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
I'm not gonna call you "King Peter the Sexy" 'cause it makes me sound g.ay, sorry m'lord.
Level 35
462 Posts
King Peter the Baby.... lol
Charles, you agreed to sign the treaty.
Level 28
3,052 Posts
Peter, I obviously won in most exciting thing ever fourm. :P
You may get my thrown after I leave.
*Yawns while trying to figure out who has the morale highground*
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
Sofia, you don't know sh.it, I SUNG the treaty, I took AJ's typo literally, he said sing, not sign, it was a typo and I purposely took it literally and SUNG the treaty.. LEARN TO READ GIRL! BEFORE PETER BEHEADS YOU WITH HIS AWESOMENESS!
Level 28
3,052 Posts
If you piss me off then there shall be WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By the way, we are in midevil times. :P NO OPTIONS!
Level 28
3,052 Posts
Από αυτήν την ημέρα εμπρός, VIIIIXXI, ο πόλεμος μεταξύ του βασιλιά Ανδρέα και το αποκρουστικό πλευρά θα είναι καταστροφική ένα. Charles, Peter, και Torrey θα πεθάνουν ψυχρά. Ανταλλαγή σε μια διαφορετική πλευρά επιτρέπεται. Αφήστε το θάνατο β σύνολα που τέθηκαν.
Βασιλιάς Ανδρέα.
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
Uh huh, quit using MMORPG screen caps!
Level 28
3,052 Posts
BURN IN HELL! *draws sword*
oh your trying to find something that fits King Peter? i thought you wanted to know what the ladies call me XD
King Peter The Pimp
King Peter
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
.... Now why would God send on of his agents to hell? And where'd you get a sword? Ben destroyed them all.
ModLevel 34
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and that's awesome, FOR GOD! FOR THE HEAVENS! FOR KING PETER THE PIMP!!!!!!!
ModLevel 34
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*runs off to a far away super island deemed AU and grabs a cudgel and comes back, cudgeling AJ to death*
SPLAB!!!!! EEEEEE!!!!!!!! BLOF!!!!!!!!! I!!!! DO!!!!!!! NOT!!!!!!!!!! KNOW!!!!!!!! WHO!!!!!!!! HAS!!!!!!!!! THE!!!!!!!!! MORALE!!!!!!!!!!! HIGHGROUND!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by Charles*Steps in the sunlight and nothing happens* Oh I\'m effected by sunlight huh? Didn\'t think so *grins* Where\'s this damn treaty, I\'ll sign the damned thing if you\'ll just leave me alone with my fiancée
And Charles, you did agree to sign the damned treaty.
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
forget THE TREATY!!! FOR PETER!!! *beats AJ repeatedly with cudgel and he falls dead*
Except that was his decoy.
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
*Pulls out an AJ detector and finds the real AJ and cudgels him to death*
That was also his decoy called AJ.
ModLevel 34
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Level 28
3,052 Posts
*I hop out from the bushes, all 40 of me. Your surrounded by holligrams of me. We all charge at your, though you and Peter slice at my holligrams but your sword goes right through them. Just as your about to find where the holligrams are comming from, the real AJ slices both your legs. You capsise from the pain.*
Level 28
3,052 Posts
By the way, Ben, if you favor your life in the least bit, you'll join me.
*Films the battle from a helicopter and puts it on youtube*
Level 28
3,052 Posts
That would be epic if we all got togeather and shot this. C:
It would. But we can't.
*Continues watching from helicopter and joins Pete and Charles* Sorry, old chap, but I don't like being threatened. NOTE: I also take bribes. And I accept following anybody if they give me a good enough reason to, or if they have the morale highground. So, AJ, pay me or convince me, it's your choice.
Level 28
3,052 Posts
*hits Ben with hilt of sword and locks him up in prison.*
*Teleports out* A pitiful attempt, but fun. *Joins Charles and Peter, in their fort, several miles away*
Level 28
3,052 Posts
*what you see is a figment of your imagination. You think your back with Charles and Peter, but your in acoma on a science table* (no stepping out of this one Ben)
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
*My legs were never cut off because your a.ss is too weak to slice at me that fast with a double-handed gladius made of iron, so I am not here at the moment, rather, I am back at my homeland where I rule* -.- Hah, he killed my twin brother... Oh well... He was evil anyways...
Level 28
3,052 Posts
I sliced your leg and you capsised, not slit it off.
It isn't doule handed, plus, even if it was week your so fragile you would fall on your face either way.
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
Ha, burn in hell, I'm not so weak nor am I fragile, and based on the pic you showed us, it's a double-edged, two handed longsword... At your age, you'd be on steroids to have the strength to pic that up... Let alone slice at me so fast I wouldn't be able to dodge it.
Level 28
3,052 Posts
I lift 120. HOW THAT FOR BABY ARMS! *not bluffing *
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
Ha! That's not nearly the weight of the swords, and either way, you'd have to throw your body weight to slash at me fast enough for me to not dodge, and if you threw your body weight, you'd fall on your face and that would end in your beheadment.
Level 28
3,052 Posts
Not if it is specially acustomed to my strengths (idk how to spell).
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts

I use one of these, while less flashy, they may be double handed, but they weight roughly 8 lbs... I can slice fast enough to cut you to pieces in 5 seconds...
but your picture on the previous page shows you wielding a flashy blade that weighs roughtly 30 lbs... and btw, I dont' give a sh*t what you can bench, sword weight is heavier when you're wearing CHAIN MAIL and you're throwing your arms around, it becomes increasingly difficult to fight, therefore, you're 120 lbs bench is nothing it comes to sword fights, I train in kendo, I know how to deal with swords, and I know that swords, even ones that are 30 lbs, are heavier than the number says... and kings don't fight without armor, so you're just lifting 100 lbs armor PLUS a 30 lbs blade WHILE moving around, you'll get tired, therefore, it's harder to lift the blade... Good luck hitting me, with my leather ranger's vestments where I am lightweight and light on my toes.
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
My light weight leather armor, paired with double headed light weight longswords, along with a bow and my pinpoint accuracy makes me more deadly than you... The most armored and flashy isn't always the deadliest.
ModLevel 32
5,891 Posts
You boys and your heavy swords. I prefer two daggers and a bow accompanied with a quiver of arrows.
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
I only use a longsword to battle his(that sounded ga.y), otherwise I use a bow and arrow and two short swords, along with poisons and explosives.
Level 28
3,052 Posts
These are the only swords I bring into battle. 10lbs make them easy to use especialy when you bench 120. I own three compound bows and multipul arrows that can make me a deadly attacker. Also, I ONLY use this if I am going on a kill mission alone. The lightweight thermo plastic is strach resistant and could never be punchured.
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
Ha, you're a giant bird?! Let me get some giant bird feed, I'll take you out easily XD LMAO
ModLevel 32
5,891 Posts
Hehe, you look like a dinosaur.
Level 28
3,052 Posts
Damnit that isn't me in the costume.
ModLevel 34
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I'm still not scared of anything, ask my friends. Nor would I think to fight an enemy with blades heavier than his(still soudning g.ay)
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
*New update* I have agreed to join AJ as long as I am the Ranger General.
Level 28
3,052 Posts
Me: Up your ares(3:21pm)
Me: *arse(3:21pm)
Charles: Really?! You're gonna start bad in chat?(3:21pm)
Me: Heh heh(3:26pm)
Charles: It's hard to argue with me when I know a LOT about swords...(3:32pm)
Me: Uhhua(3:33pm)
Me: I know a lot about ladies and obviously your failing.(3:33pm)
Charles: Ha, like you know more than me... I'm older than you, and I've had lots of experience...(3:33pm)
Me: mmmmhmmm sure you have.(3:34pm)
Charles: Someone should Rule 64 you in real life so I can laugh my a.ss off.(3:34pm)
Me: Ha ha, ever tried bananadine?(3:35pm)
Charles: Non-existent, boy.(3:36pm)
Me: Oh yeah?(3:37pm)
Me: It is a drug. And I can teach you how to smoke it if we make peace on the chat.(3:37pm)
Charles: It's non-existent, bananas do not contain psychoactive drug properties.(3:38pm)
Me: Dry out a banana peel and then put the dried out skin in a pot with water and smoke the steam(3:48pm)
Charles: Orange diesel(3:50pm)
Me: wtf is that(3:50pm)
Charles: Weed, duh.(3:51pm)
Me: Look man, I don't want to be in war with.(3:56pm)
Charles: No problem, then let's make a deal.(3:56pm)
Me: Alright.(3:48pm)
Me: *with you(3:48pm)
Charles: You have no Ranger General, I'm the most experienced with light weapons, light armor, and ranged weapons throughout the land.(3:57pm)
Me: I hate to agree but fine, what about Peter.(3:48pm)
Charles: Hrm, let him act on his own accord, if he denies you, he will fall.(3:58pm)
Me: And we can destroy him, togeather. :P
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