
King AJ's Castle

5,646 posts
Level 35
462 Posts
How the hell things move without physical interference?
I can't think in other answer. It can only be...


End of discussion. Next topic... :P
Well, I guess if that's how you want to work it.

Umm...I got nothing right now.
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
Yeah; nothing metaphysical about magnets. It has to be something unknown.
I was going to say, scientists know it's because in certain materials the spins of the atoms line up in just the right way to cause a magnetic field. But the question comes is why the spins cause the magnetic fields. Thus you have to question WHY the magnetic field is generated by that (a question not yet really answered).

So, yes, nobody knows how fucking magnets actually work when you get down to it.

In other news, I still got nothing
Level 35
462 Posts
So... Aliens?

Meanwhile, I just spent the last hour looking up Alaska. It's just interesting because like literally the whole northern part is frozen. And there is like one highway that they tell you to take survival gear with you if you travel it. Only three settlements in over 400 miles. The nearest hospital to it is like 250 miles away. And the northern end isn't even the most northern settlement in America.

That highway DOES have a portion called the "Oh Shit Corner": https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?ll=66.685712,-150.659552&spn=0.020789,0.055189&t=h&z=14&layer=c&cbll=66.685928,-150.659167&panoid=kACzmzX5u__aspyuvHqNuA&cbp=12,85.18,,2,9.24
Level 35
462 Posts
This corner looks kinda slippery, hm...

It's a nice place to go with a lot of friendly bikers. Always have wanted to travel on a nice road like that one.
But seems dangerous and creepy at night, so... no.
That's also in the summer. During the winter, it's all frozen and it won't thaw until like summer. Once the snow starts, you do not want to go up there. It's not going to melt anytime soon (and bringing up the night, it's so north that the nights last most of the day during the winter). They actually recommend carrying survival gear if you plan to drive that road even during the best of times.
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
Originally posted by Generic NameThat's also in the summer. During the winter, it's all frozen and it won't thaw until like summer. Once the snow starts, you do not want to go up there. It's not going to melt anytime soon (and bringing up the night, it's so north that the nights last most of the day during the winter). They actually recommend carrying survival gear if you plan to drive that road even during the best of times.
Holy fuck. This sounds like an adventure I wouldn't mind going on.
(I've been having an existential crisis based on the fact that anime and manga reality is so much better than real reality.)
Guys I'm so lost. thats why I cant follow you guys
All I can do is put irralvent posts
I wish I had more of a reason to come back to this site
Deal with it
It's called reading. Even if it's the last page or so. You can read.
I know I just don't understand and if I do I don't know how to realte :l
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
I just realized the hierarchy for the King:


Guess I'm the king now.
Unless we have a hostile takeover
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
Originally posted by Generic NameUnless we have a hostile takeover
Well, normally I'd support it, being an anarchist, but I'll be a good ruler. :P
Level 35
462 Posts
Yay anarchy! ...... Waaaait... If you're anarchist you wouldn't be a/the ruler. So, no, try another political point of view for hostile takeovers. Try dictatorial-twisted-confuse communism. Should work now.

Hm, I could do two or three great things as a confused communist... If I somehow get that power, surely I will kill you guys last. You're welcome. :3
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
Modern anarchists aren't against a government; they are against an unjust government. They follow individualistic ideas and have decided that you can't twist something into a good version, because it will always be influenced by what it WAS and not what it IS. You have to destroy it and rebuild it. Wipe it clean. Etc.

That's how I see it, anyway.
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
Unkilling the forum.
Whoops. I had a life kinda...ish maybe.

ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
How dare you have a life? You disgust me. :P
Well, I get paid some form of money for it. So there's that going for me.
Sounds like a good idea
ModLevel 32
5,891 Posts
Are we still discussing magnets?
Sure. Let's do that
ModLevel 32
5,891 Posts
I say they're controlled by glue. A very small glue.
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
I feel like a metaphysical discussion again.
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
Originally posted by Generic NameI feel like a metaphysical discussion again.
I'm on for nostalgia. Hopefully the older members will log back on someday. Perhaps over the summer we'll get an influx of awesome people.
ModLevel 32
5,891 Posts
Magnet is still holding on. Maybe it needs to move on and onto things bigger and better.
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
Originally posted by MetropalMagnet is still holding on. Maybe it needs to move on and onto things bigger and better.
Nah. The magnet isn't holding on, it's just hoping for better magnets to attract to it.
I blame this conversation on the false profit, Flareon.

All glory to the Helix Fossil.
|FBG$| VeKo
|FBG$| VeKo
ModLevel 33
2,229 Posts
Originally posted by Generic NameI blame this conversation on the false profit, Flareon.

All glory to the Helix Fossil.
They just left the Silph Scope behind
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
Please tell me they're out of the arrows.... *Checks Twitch.*
Edit: Thank God they did it.

-Twitch Plays Dark Souls-
ModLevel 20
1,978 Posts
Originally posted by |FBG$| VeKo
Originally posted by Generic NameI blame this conversation on the false profit, Flareon.

All glory to the Helix Fossil.
They just left the Silph Scope behind
This is hilarious to watch.

How long has this been going on? I don't even want to know what the pokemon battles are like...

*Wait? They beat Giovanni with a Pidgey? hot damn
ModLevel 32
5,891 Posts
*Falls into a pit of confusion.*
ModLevel 20
1,978 Posts
Originally posted by Metropal*Falls into a pit of confusion.*
ModLevel 32
5,891 Posts
Oh dear. Words.
|FBG$| VeKo
|FBG$| VeKo
ModLevel 33
2,229 Posts
ModLevel 20
1,978 Posts
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
Holy fuck Lavender Town.
And now they beat Koga
So, we really shouldn't let this fall off the first page
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
You know what sucks: wisdom teeth
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
Originally posted by Generic NameYou know what sucks: wisdom teeth
Worse than that; sad pugs.
Originally posted by CharlesFoxKays
Originally posted by Generic NameYou know what sucks: wisdom teeth
Worse than that; sad pugs.

Worse than that: sad pugs with wisdom teeth coming in
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
Originally posted by Generic Name
Originally posted by CharlesFoxKays
Originally posted by Generic NameYou know what sucks: wisdom teeth
Worse than that; sad pugs.

Worse than that: sad pugs with wisdom teeth coming in
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