
My Hill.

482 posts
Level 28
3,052 Posts
Hmm, odd, odd teenagers. *I say as I am resting in the clouds.*
HELL WILL DESCEND!!!!!!!!!!!!! VALLHALA SHALL RISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE PIT SHALL OPEN!!!!!!!! AND I SHALL BE FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
um, AJ im not a teen im an adult
and your not even a teenager yet AJ so HAHA!
and im almost done recruiting and training my team of Lethal Killers.
*edited part* im so close!!(no im not about to jiz.zzz) i just need one or two more potential ******* and my team will be complete!!
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
*I revive everyone you've killed...God decides to make me the HighPriest....So kill me and I come back haha HOW'S THAT FOR INVICIBLE YOU **** HEADS!*HAHAHA
theres no invincibility and you said you dont believe in god therefore he shall not help you. oh and i've finished training and recruiting my warriors and im coming back to my castle now.
Level 28
3,052 Posts
THE PIT IS OPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND I AM FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ModLevel 34
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Um I said I do believe in god but I'm not Christian...and I'm not invincible..I'm just a bad case of the Megatron...I ALWAYS come back when killed....and anyways I'm under PETERS command now so it doesn't matter
ModLevel 34
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Oh and just to make things fair*I shoot Storm with a plasma barrier rife that traps his "non physical matter" and builds his molecular structure into the form of a real man*
"There we go now you can live because if you've no physical matter that means you're just erratic light...which means you can not live..So I've just helped you live and made this game fair because now I serve Peter...He actually kicked out my twin brother who is stupid...I've been hiding in the shadows as one of Peter's Shinobi Black Ops members...Secretly watching what everyone is doing and reporting it to the great Lord Peter
ModLevel 32
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great lord peter?lol
ModLevel 34
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No it's just Lord Peter...I added the great part in

Puts a shield of holy light around everyone in the castle...(Powerword:shield from WoW?)This will absorb attacks....
Turns invisible and reports back to lord peter who probably will be surprised when he reads this
ModLevel 34
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"Oh Lord Peter...What shall we do about the Centrillions? They grow closer everyday....I got a team to analyze them..because with the help of Storm we captured one....
They have plasma weapons that trap and alter matter and they wear body armor that can't be pierced by regular bullets...I've found that my Oricalcum(back to the Black Cat thing haha) gun can pierce their body armor and so I've gotten more oricalcum guns and bullets made so we can combat them.....However we need to find a way to counteract their plasma weaponry...Storm could do that...He seems to be great with that...But it's up to you my liege"
Level 28
3,052 Posts
Ummmm.... *I don't know who to root for....* ugh....go...team...?
U DUMB@$$ CHARLES!!!!!!!!!!!! IF U HAD READ THE THREAD U WOULD KNOW THAT WE WERE ALLIES WITH THE CENTRILLIONS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think... AND I ALREADY HAD PHYSICAL MATTER IN THE PIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO PLEASE LET ME GET MY PROPER PHYISICAL MATTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAD OPENED THE PIT TO GET MY PHYISICAL MATTER!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE ONE U HAVE PUT ME IN IS TO TIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!! I NEED MY PROPER PHYISICAL MATTER!!!!!!!!! *tears off phyisical matter fox put me in and pops down the pit to get own phyisical matter and leaves sign on desk saying "off to get own phyisical matter, charles in charge until i get back"
Level 28
3,052 Posts
*THE ONE U HAVE PUT ME IN IS TO TIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!! I NEED MY PROPER PHYISICAL MATTER!!!!!!!!!* Oh, ok. So your saying your... fat?
NO!!!!!!!!!!! I'M JUST BIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Level 28
3,052 Posts
*THE ONE U HAVE PUT ME IN IS TO TIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!! I NEED MY PROPER PHYISICAL MATTER!!!!!!!!!* Oh, ok. So your saying your... fat?
Level 28
3,052 Posts
ModLevel 34
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Um...Okay I have no quarrels with the Centrillions...To be honest I called them here in the first place because I wanted to have Peter's rule become Interstellar so there you have it....We are allies with them right? I can just appear as a shadowy figure and tell them to go away or I'll blow them up(bluff) if they aren't our allies
*voice carries up from pit* "GOOD GOD THERES SOMETHING DOWN HERE!!!!!!!"
ModLevel 34
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ModLevel 34
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"I've something to confess....I'm a White Dragon in human form....I can control all that is good and holy....God is ultimately my master but Lord Peter is also my master....I can heal you guys, transport you guys to anywhere you want(except for space unless you make a dragon shaped space suit that's 100 feet long and 90 feet tall) on my back....I can also resurrect, so basically I'm a healing dragon....There you have it
ModLevel 34
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"Well now that I've gotten that off my chest...."*Smokes cigarette*
ModLevel 34
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So what shall I do now Lord Peter of MyHill world and soon to be all other worlds(very long title haha)?
......... idk wat to say except......MY TEAM IS COMPLETE!!! I NOW HAVE ALL THE MEMBERS TO MY team!! I wont mention the members because when the time is right they will protect and serve...... but i will tell you the name of our clan, TAC
ModLevel 34
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Cool....So then...How can this dragon be of service to you my lord?
ModLevel 34
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*Starts humming....*
ModLevel 34
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*Guards and Crusaders jump to their feet as Alice walks through the gates covered in blood, dust, and lacerations. She falls unconscious and I take her to the infirmary to treat her wounds*
(Fine I'll play along)
*Weak and tired*Oh l...look who's here...
hey look a hooker!! oh wait thats just Alice...... i probably shouldnt have said that........ i'll be in my whore house if you need me, bye!!!(lol im just joking, please dont kill me)
Oh and storm you are made of matter because i said you are and Dragon i command you to burn to the village full of thieves to cleanse this world of them
ModLevel 34
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*Goes off to burn village*
watches from my quarters(oh and im actually here this time, i came back from my journey) and leaves to see if Alice is ok
*Sitting up as Peter enters the room*
Hello....I guess Charles told you he was a dragon eh? Well I'm a Dark Dragon from the fiery depths of Hell...Basically I'm the complete opposite of him
And what is it that I should do? And don't say you either!(hahahahha) I'm Charles'
(Oh btw that was a possesive noun when I said Charles' cause it's not proper grammar to put Charles's)
So what should I do?
lmao i always say that when a girl hot girl says that.
You can rest for the day. your services are no longer required COUUGHexceptinbedwithcharles
(O.o) I'd enjoy that too...Wouldn't you Charles? Oh that's right he's off to burn a village....Okay then, thanks my liege
okkkkkk. well im off to go fight in a war with my crew, TAC. My 2 Elite Assassin's Ulrich and Zita are in charge until i return. *then i disappear in a flash*
...Ulrich and Zita....Please tell me Zita's a girl because I see no girls here except for the 8 girls that are Crusaders...and there's only 20 of us
ya Zitas a girl.. a sexy one whos trained in the Creed and the art of killing... dam she looks good in her Assassin's Uniform.........
ModLevel 34
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*Comes back from burning village*Oh look two new assassins like me and Alice...*Zita sees me and tries to kill me...HURRY AND DO SOEMTHING PETER!*
ModLevel 34
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*Thinking*Well this is one crazy chick...*Out loud*Go ahead and kill me then...I'll just come back to life...You're lucky you're a girl or I'd hit you back with my tail
ModLevel 34
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*Zita kills me(damn)..I come back alive in human form, pin her up against a wall and rip those knives out of her hand...Then I jab em into the building of which I've pinned her to...The knives are pinning her to the wall(no I didn't stab her with the knives..just her sleaves)*Okay then...Good luck killin' me again
ModLevel 34
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*Walks off in a cool manner...Smokin' yet ANOTHER cigarette(dammit do I have a portal to a pocket dimension filled with cigarettes?!?!)*Cya...Hey wait...Where's Peter?
(Oh btw Peter I read that she's trained in the art of Creed and Killing but I was able to pin her because she was shocked to see me just come back to life with a dagger in my heart...If it was poisoned then I'd not care cuz I can come back to life lol)
Zita follows the Creed, therefore she wouldnt have attacked you. and shes not an Assassin like you Charles, she has a special set of skillz that i trained her in. oh and she wouldnt be defeated so easily, *so that person you just pinned up to the wall probably isnt her and shes probably running along the columns above you as we speak. oh look there she is!! oh look shes jumping down with her hidden blade!!..... dam Charles is dead again.* and thats wat would have happened if she broke the Creed and attacked you. but since she didnt, you havnt died yet.
oh and im engaging in battle with my nemesisis or nemesis' or nemesi or watever the hell you call it.
ModLevel 34
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(Um cool...and I've never played Assassins Creed(don't pretend that's not where you got "the Creed" from...)so there you go)
And even if she did kill me*I resurrect..Whoop...Bam...Pow**Pulls out Oricalcum gun and shoots...misses..Zita misses and none of us can hit each other with physical attacks...also being a dragon you can't sneak up on me since I have my senses hightened by 100x*
Okay then master...Good luck in your Nemesis fight(it's Nemeses if it's plural)
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