

56 posts
soo what yall think about 9/11..
Some people are bas.tards.
Level 28
3,052 Posts
Originally posted by I.I.C.D.M.M Sauron |FBG$|Some people are bas.tards.
Dude you don't even live in the states.
Originally posted by AIJ007
Originally posted by I.I.C.D.M.M Sauron |FBG$|Some people are bas.tards.
Dude you don't even live in the states.

Still doesn't mean he can't think some people are bastards
Does it matter if I live in the States? It affected the whole world, just because I don't live over there, doesn't mean I can't think what the terroists did was wrong. And actually, a cousin of mine was on one of those planes. So yes AJ, I was affected.
It was a horrible time. All those poor people that lost there lives. Its sadness :(
yea....peopelo went suidcidle..some survived...and a lot died
and yet its creepy y
1.people say they saw a face of the devil in the smoke.
2.if you folled a 20 dollar bill in a secret way..ull se the twin towers burning.
4.why wold alcada do this.
think of all of this.....yet...i just think terorist was just pist of and decided to go suidcidle by highjackking a plane and killing peoleo
ModLevel 32
5,891 Posts
There was a actual reason why they did it. I read a book about it. I just rather not explain it all.
uh i think it cuz theyre terrorists and thats kinda what they do.
ModLevel 32
5,891 Posts
If we just considered it that way, the USA are even worse terrorists than Al-Qieda.
What happened in 9/11 was MADNESS PURE UNHOLY MADNESS!!!
Level 27
1,984 Posts
I don't want to sound like an **** here
but if we celebrate the death of Osama Bin Laden, we are no better than them
ModLevel 32
5,891 Posts
We're already no better than them. Well, the US is.
Oh that's true too. I think the only way Osama death's could have been actually been really good is if Al Qaida was a bit more centralized. Then by taking down one person could we actually have seriously affected the organization. Unfortunately, they aren't so centralized that the death of one man stops most of their activities. Of course that's just the tactical advantage which we knew from the get-go was not what exists in the organization.

I know celebrating someone's death is wrong even if the person was a complete monster. Heck, by in large, our general organization (the country of the United States of America) is only marginally more noble than they are (considering that at least the media doesn't say that we kill obviously innocent people), but with some of the ways our people act, you'd think they would want to just nuke the whole area and turn it into an even worse desolate wasteland.

By I digress. Point is peoples from both sides do evils. It's just usually it ends up being the first striker is the more evil of the two...or at least start the snowball of evil rolling down the hill: most of America doesn't know about Islam, terrorists strike, people start hating Muslims, people down in the Middle East hate America more, etc.
yea.....i was thinking..if they rebuild the twin towers...problaby other terorist are gonna go and strike it
ModLevel 32
5,891 Posts
I highly doubt they would strike in the same place twice. If they strike again, it would be smarter to strike somewhere else where their plans won't be spoiled so easily.
E.g. The Empire State Building. (Which they did plan to hit on the tenth anniversary. But they failed. Epicly. Obviously.)
Well, a plane already hit the Empire State Building a while ago. It's actually much sturdier than the Twin Towers. I think the next target would be the (former) Sears Tower. It's the second largest building in America. Of course if they go with symbolic destructions then I have a lot to worry about. They're probably going to take out all of Old City in Philadelphia so that they could get rid of where America first began.

Of course the big thing is any terrorists will be stupid to attack now with such heightened security.
ModLevel 32
5,891 Posts
America began in Jamestown.....Just sayin. But good point.
Wait...I thought it started in Roanoke? But the point is, the country of the United States of America began in Philadelphia (signing of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution both occurred there)

And today I learned our Constitution is the second oldest one still in use after the 1600 Statutes of San Marino
ModLevel 32
5,891 Posts
Well the first civilization was in Roanoke, but the first permenent civilization was in Jamestown. All other are invalid.

Plus, Roanoke like fell off the face of the planet and no one knows for sure why.
I think I read in a book during high school that they were absorbed into the Native American population because their colony was so poorly maintained. It was either that or die.

Or at least that's the most likely conjecture.
ModLevel 32
5,891 Posts
Yeah, that was what was thought to have happened, but they don't know for sure.
why do people feel bad for everyone that was born on 9 11
Level 19
42 Posts
9-11 WAS EHH
Not this year.
ModLevel 32
5,891 Posts
Well something kinda good did happen. The memorial opened.
yea....you know the saying......*i forgot how it goes* O.o

ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
*After reading EVERY comment with consideration*

... Sigh, Andrew, Andrew, Andrew, one does not need to be a citizen of America to be affected by the events that had occurred. As humans, we are easily persuaded by emotion, and an attack of hatred in one place WILL lead to fear in other places. I'm sure when 9/11 occurred, EVERYONE in the world stopped, and prayed, and hoped, this would not happen to them. Fear is the one thing we are ruled by, and though some think they have no fear, they are wrong. Fear can be long-term or short. For example, I have a long-term fear of spiders, or, Arachnophobia. Someone may not have a phobia or be paranoid, however, if a terrorist attacked them, in that moment, they would fear the attacker and, if possible, defend themselves. This was the case in Flight 93, whereas the passengers rose up against their captures' and bravely sacrificed themselves for their families and for the country. And also, Dcinc is correct. America, in a sense, IS a terrorist organization in itself. Though we do not see this because we are too arrogant. We believe we are helping others, and while that may be true, we are also terrorizing them. Perhaps Al-Queida attacked us to show we are weak and hopefully break us of arrogance? I don't know, nor do I support them, but when you think about it: who's the true villain? Perhaps Al-Queida was, in a twisted, ironic sense, good, and only breaking us of our sins, though their methods turned them into the villainous monsters we see them as today. And we should not hate all Muslims for it is only the Al-Queida supporters who martyr themselves for their cause. We, as a country, are rather unjust and do not completely think through all the angles and are quick to profile. This is why there is conflict. I was 4 when this happened, and, unfortunately, never learned of it until I was 7. How am I affected? I am an American, no, I am a human. I share the pain of others, while it may seem to most as foolish speak, I say it is what true care is. I can give empathy though I did not experience the event... I think all humans should scrap their pride and their arrogance and see that we are truly ignorant in our so called "knowledge" and come together to make a better world. Sadly, this will never happen in the future. I am not pessimistic, I am just saying the facts. It's human nature to be arrogant, violent, judging, evil. We are all good and evil, the question is, which quality do you show?
I have a multi-personality disorder, so I can show all of them at different times :) Also, I agree completely with your statement, but being scared of spiders is... Irrational. Unless you live in Australia... But I've manage to handle some of the big, scary ones with no consequences.
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
Yeah... I'm getting over it... I'm still scared of Tarantulas and then there's ONE spider that strikes fear into the heart: the Black Widow. Yes, we have them in KY and ONE bite can be fatal to a child, or teenager...
Ah yes, The Redback Spider... Such a wonderful and amzing little spider... But deadly none the less...
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
Haha, the red hourglass symbolizes impending death in my opinion.
ModLevel 32
5,891 Posts
Nice speech. But not everyone cared.
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
Cool for you. I don't care who cares, it's only about getting my opinion out.
ModLevel 32
5,891 Posts
thts was a long speech...i cant physicly read tht much.
Well you're wierd.
Level 2
3 Posts
my love still remember lol
ModLevel 20
1,978 Posts
I actually live in Dubai, but I celebrate 9/11

....Because its my dads birthday.
ModLevel 20
1,978 Posts
But jokes aside, 'tis a day of sorrow.
I think Obama did the right thing thats what I think. Its just stupid to know that the Bush Administration knew where Bin Ladin was the whole time. He was in Pakistan next to the army base and Bush didn't do what he needed to and 8 years later that traitor finally died like the people in the Twin Towers did. In 2002 my mom took me on a trip to Pennsylvania on a train and she was crying when we past Ground Zero, they hadn't built the memorial yet and all I can remember was saying: "Mommy what's wrong." Its ridicolous.
i think i agree on what she said because i just dont want to read all im lazy :p
Not technically 8 years later, it was last year but Bush is a stupid coward. I just want him to recognize that he put our country in jeapardy for the years he was in office. I just hate him and get chilled to the bone every time I hear his name or hear "oh he was the good republican president: From my civic's teacher's point of view" Im surprised I didn't stand up and punch him in the face for that one. Your independent Mr. Ashley what the he.ll do you know about good.. :(
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