
Sorry for downtime

11 posts
Server was down for around 2 hours earlier today due to an increase in traffic.

I'll be installing some new software on the servers this week that should prevent any crashing in the future.

Thanks for the continueed support ^_^
|FBG$| VeKo
|FBG$| VeKo
ModLevel 33
2,229 Posts
The bad thing about websites:

Awesome site = lots of people = traffic = crash
ModLevel 32
5,891 Posts
Ha. Didn't even notice.
i was trying to get on this mornig to say hi to u dom that was weird
Everything is fixed for now, waiting on another billing cycle then will be getting some shiny new servers ^_^ (~2 weeks)
Np keep at your hard work for everybody.
Originally posted by DomServer was down for around 2 hours earlier today due to an increase in traffic.

I'll be installing some new software on the servers this week that should prevent any crashing in the future.

Thanks for the continueed support ^_^
|FBG$| VeKo
|FBG$| VeKo
ModLevel 33
2,229 Posts
Congratulations, you have quoted Dom's post, and done nothing to contribute to anything!
Level 7
7 Posts
what is going on
Originally posted by |FBG$| RwhiteCongratulations, you have quoted Dom's post, and done nothing to contribute to anything!
lol that's so true
Originally posted by DomServer was down for around 2 hours earlier today due to an increase in traffic.

I'll be installing some new software on the servers this week that should prevent any crashing in the future.

Thanks for the continueed support ^_^
havent been on here that time so i wonder how gamesbutler was in 2009 when it was made