
my awsome friends

8 posts
alright im here telling you to add gameboy,ladiesman217,and corito1 theyall my neiborhood christian friends yea there also some people that dosnt live in vegas (which is my hometown or homecity or..... watever)like sdou , memo , cutejoker , peter and more in my friends list alright hpfully u can add them as a friend alright peace out :P
YAY!!!!!! im awesome!!
ima make a list later cause im too lazy :/
metropal,randy,Kaitlyn,and ummmmmmmmm imma think of more i promise
i think you should put my name first since im the most important lol
ModLevel 32
5,891 Posts
haha, ego-alert
haha speaking the truth alert 2 comments above me
Level 27
1,984 Posts
DID U FIND IT NECESSARY TO WRITE CHRISTIAN FRIENDS? sorry caps, cant be a44ed to re write it