
So apparently we're all going to die.

118 posts
ModLevel 32
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This Saturday, May 21st is apparently doomsday. I was watching the news and they were showing video of all these christians rioting out on the streets with signs saying:
ModLevel 32
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Damn, pic didn't come up.
ModLevel 34
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I'm Christian and I don't believe God's gonna kill his children off... God created us and loves us, so I strongly doubt he'll kill us off, if it's because we're violent, he should have known by now, it's human nature to be violent, still it's no reason to kill us off, I don't believe God will kill us. The world's not going to end.
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And I read an article, actually, the one's who are saved will be taken to heaven while the rest stay on Earth to suffer torment... The believers are the one's taken to heaven.... Damn it, I don't know what to think anymore... I believe in God and Jesus but I don't want to be sent to Hell... I worship God 'cause he gave me life, not because of the possibility that if I don't, I'll go to Hell... But because I am blessed. If he believes I've truly been so evil as to deserve hell, then let him send me there, he is my creator and his word is law.
It's judgement day, not doomsday. Judgement day is when Jesus comes down with some angels, judges people and asks them to repent. They he sends them to Heaven or Hell. Anybody who doesn't belive this isn't a proper christian because it's in the bible.
Guess i'm going to "hell" then. At least i'll have some interesting people to hang with.
  • Hitler

  • Stalin

  • Saddam

  • Osama

  • Hannibal

  • Al Capone

  • Ivan the Terrible

  • Margret Thatcher

Need I go on?
And all my friends i hang out with in real life :) Least i won't be alone. And i'll be nice and warm.
Ha, Once your dead you rot in a box, nothing more nothing less.
Level 28
3,052 Posts
If I go to hell I kick some mother focking ****.
Level 28
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No, if Jesus leaves me here I'll kick some satan **** either.
Boom Boom.

Bang Bang.
Level 28
3,052 Posts
Hehe...uber bang bang XD
Level 28
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You kill'em!
Stop saying uber....i can only laugh for so long XD
I've killed so many people...
Yeah, i'm sure.
Whole civilizations lie in ashes because of me, and yours may well be next...
ModLevel 32
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ModLevel 34
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I do believe in it... I also say that I will accept his judgment no matter what it is... If I go to Hell I go to Hell, if I go to Heaven I go to Heaven.
Level 28
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If I saty on ground the demons will go back to hell. :)
Level 35
462 Posts
*reading the posts* hahaha...wait. *stop in Carnage's post* Stalin went to Hell? Noooo! jk
Why would he go to Hell [literally, haha]? His army defeated Hitler's, he should be a nice guy or something.
ModLevel 34
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So you laugh at this?
To Carnage: It's people like her that aren't gonna be saved....
ModLevel 34
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Okay okay, excuse what I've said...
May 21st is supposedly the Rapture but the truth is, in the Bible Jesus says that the day of Judgment Day can not be predicted to a certain date and time, right? So therefore you shouldn't believe what one person says.....
ModLevel 34
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It's all false, the Rapture may or may not be on May 21st because it says in the BIBLE that no one will know the day of Judgment...
“But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only." -Matthew 24:36
ModLevel 34
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And why is that? Because God probably can't see the future, if he could, he wouldn't have created us, he's probably just going along with it to see how humanity evolves. He's testing us every day and ultimately it's his decision when Judgment Day will come.
Level 28
3,052 Posts
Judgment Day. >:D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Level 14
354 Posts
the world is not goin to end on th 21st
Level 35
462 Posts
No, it's going to end on DECEMBER, 21th 2012, not on May.
I still not believing on it >;D
Stalin went to Hell because, although he did help kill Hitler, he also killed millions of his own, innocent people for no reason. The reason we let him get away with it is because he killed his own people, and we're sort of fine with that.
ModLevel 34
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Sofia, that proves you are ignorant... LISTEN TO MATTHEW!!!
“But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only." -Matthew 24:36
NO ONE but GOD knows when Judgment Day and Doomsday will be!!!! Ignorant pest, YOU do NOT decide WHEN it happens, YOU DO NOT PREDICT WHEN IT HAPPENS!!! God will decide when it happens, now shush because you're spouting the words of false prophets and this will most likely get you into Hell.

And JUDGMENT DAY is the day when Jesus JUDGES who is good and who is not... THEN THE WORLD WILL END AFTER THOSE WHO ARE GOOD ARE TAKEN TO HEAVEN!!! These false prophets say that JUDGMENT DAY is on the 21st you idiot! I hate imbeciles who DON'T READ! Judgment Day is not Doomsday, the world ends on Doomsday, not December 21, 2012, you can't predict sh.it, it's God's decision and I'm going to laugh at all you gullible f*cktards who listened to these idiotic false prophets, I hope you all burn in hell for thinking you can predict when GOD will destroy us. THIS IS FOR GOD TO KNOW, NOT YOU, AND YOU CAN'T KNOW BECAUSE HE HASN'T DECIDED YET!!!!! >:(
ModLevel 34
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So the next person who says that we all die on 12/21/12 I'm going to mortally wound. I'm tired of your s.hit and you ignoramuses will fall for anything, when it comes to God and the Bible, you'll listen to anything that a "prophet" will spit out of his forked-tongued mouth! You ought to be ashamed to think that YOU will decide when the world ends. IT'S GOD'S DECISION and I'm tired of your arrogance. You think that you can decide something that is God's choice? This proves how arrogant humans are. We think we're so advanced, WELL HERE'S THE TRUTH, We've barely begun to know anything, there's an infinite amount of knowledge in medical, technical, etc. fields. We don't even understand space travel, if us ARROGANT humans are SOOOO advanced, why can't we travel to other possible life-sustaining planets like Gliese 581 that are about 5 light years away, hrm? That's right, we don't know shi.t, and that's why. Play God and you get Hell. So I hope you like burning in hellfire, being mutilated, raped, tortured, and tormented for all of eternity.
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I'll just ask God if I can watch >:)
Level 35
462 Posts
Excuse me, Charles, do you know something called IRONY? Something like "I STILL NOT BELIEVING ON IT" like I said? Did you read my post? If you did, you understood what I said? Do you know how it makes you look like a ignorant now? I didn't predict nothing because I WAS JOKING. Wait, do you know what "joke" is? I think you don't, or you wouldn't post that for nothing, right. STFU and don't write, just read.
Apparently I have to write "I was joking" in my posts to Charles understand, if he knows how to read.
It's getting pretty intense.
Level 14
354 Posts
i know
ModLevel 34
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I am no ignoramus, I have an IQ of 150 and you, ma'am, can't even use proper grammar. Argue with me when you learn how to spell and compose correct sentence structure and grammar. Good day.
And just to state, with the grammar skills of a 4 year old, you can't justify "irony" since there was none, verbal or situational, it was more on the lines of "pathetic sarcasm."
*Sits back and watches* Charles does have a point... SOFIA LEARN TO SPEAK DAMN IT!!!!!!! But Sofia does have a point... CHARLES LEARN TO READ ALL OF A POST DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ModLevel 32
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Charles she had no grammer or punctuation mistakes.
ModLevel 34
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However, she did have mistakes in sentence structure, Torrey, and that's in grammar. So you are incorrect, your argument is invalid!
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