yea.....and its also drifted off to just me and u having a random conversation......what fun lmao
-_- i don't get it jkjk lol
*puts head in hand discrasfully and sighs* nevermind
I wear my heart on my sleeve, so I tend to experience love and hearbreak quicker than most.....
well charles atleast your taking that chance, and idk if other people do but i respect u for that. it takes alota courage to do things like that
i respect him.same as for me i tend to feel love but at the end whats left is a broken heart.
well one day the broken hearts are gonna stop because youve found "the one" as they say
yes it's true but... this is a common situion in real life we human beins hasen't learn our leason yet how to work toghther or stop war or how to work toghther we humans just loves hurting each other.
yea but when u find"the one" youll love them so much u wont wanna hurt them and youll do anything to not hurt them
Those were very moving post T~T
I called Autumn Kitty Cat.... Think that'll be awkward?
Not by what she called you. ;)
im alittle confused..........
im back and i had to spend the night wth my secret love
funny thing was she saw my hands shaking nervously and asked wat i was nervous about and i said nutin
Wow that really is a funny thing. -__-
Wow that's so funny I not
i thought u were like 11??????
I can sense it is one of those you-had-to-be-there funny things.
i spent the night wth my friend and his sister invited her
at like 1 in the morning his sister told me that my love liked me and i bout DIED
*Bounces up and down with excitement, shorty after she plops down on the ground*
I was excited about this guy for a minute or two. Nice guy. until i found out he has a gf, and she is my friend o.O
Soooo From now on, I think I'm going to Bi. only for awhile ;P
Ha! When in doubt, stick to girl power.
Yay! girl power!
*Throws her fist to the air with power*
Wooo! :D
I love a girl and my friend said that I was cheating on her so she was mad at me for a long time
wow that stinks..........but did u really????? because if u did my whole opinion about your story just changed??
heres a tip for you buddy, dont do online dating. Its much better having a girl in real life that you can talk to and see everyday :)
Coltin11 is a best friend of mine and I told him that story and I'm the one who said he was cheating
if you need any advice or anything like that, message me. Girls are sort of my specialty lol
Or if you need advice with anything else just come talk to me. That goes for everyone else too
your speciality???? wow haha....... but if u want advice on girls just ask a girl perhapps one on here that u dont know.......that what i would do if i was a guy
hey who here hates jb? I DO!!!!!
I don't jack black is awesome
I'm not so good with girls because Im a kleptomaniac. I can't help myself.