
Recent posts by $uper ^_^|MEGA ^_^|$mile

v3 Beta Signups
v3 Beta Signups
WBP Feb 20 - Feb 27 +10 Points
I like it
WBP Feb 13 - Feb 20 +5 Points
WBP Jan 30 - Feb 6 +5 Points
like it
WBP Jan 18th - 23rd +5 Points
watch it fox,....... jk
Unity support coming in 2011
it just sounds cool
idk..but its getting old
#40 P
There are only a couple of people here i agree with ,,, but my opinion is that... LIL WAYNE IS KING...
bahaha...hey Silence...Uhh..which head are you biting off (or in some cases trying to bite of) the uper or lower one....?
lets have fun
wow AJ party and **** dont really mix, unless you like "somes"
who likes the number 15?
spammin like ham..... that made no sense but owell
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Check this
1000 Gamers
536 i agree with helloperson
1000 Gamers
525 gamer...I love Resnov!
Well whats the best one on fb?
#54 if you had to die how would ya do it?
I d want to die by getting shot in my sleep by Adam Sandler......................
What's your favorite game on facebook? because there is a very popular one on there that i have connections to and they might lewt me upload it on here, but im not going to go through all the copyrite deals and stuff unless you guys really like it so i need your input!! What is your favorite game from Facebook??
No More Clan Invites
Its kinda funny seeing everyone elses reaction..if you want a real clan com e to me..Mine was on Facebook but people got too upset when i wouldnt "help them out" a game on there so i quit, and left my 7,378 followers for my little brother to deal with. If you wanna know anything else aboout a clan ask me, cause I OWN!
Awesome Idea!!
Im glad about gunblood in second but i had never played rze until it won, how did i miss the voting??
Awesome Idea!!
haha...no i wasnt.. :(
its over now
1000 Gamers
514 i have black ops and halo 3 and have already beaten them9: (MASON)
horror storys
wow.....thats a big story....lol
Awesome Idea!!
I just had a great idea of GB having a "Game Off" or some other catchy name, but of GB actually creating a poll wheere you can vote on the best game of 2010 now that its over. So tell me if you think we should have a contest to see what the Best Game of 2010 on GamesButler and maybe we can get Dom interested.
best yo mamma joke ever!!!!!!!!!
@ LEEEYROOOY JEEEENKIINS: It means she has a lot of fat on the back of her neck
best yo mamma joke ever!!!!!!!!!
Yo mommas so fat she went to the movies and sat next to everyone
best yo mamma joke ever!!!!!!!!!
Yo mommas so fat she had to get babtized at seaworld
best yo mamma joke ever!!!!!!!!!
Yo mommas so fat she the back of her neck looks like a pack of hotdogs
best yo mamma joke ever!!!!!!!!!
Yo mommas so fat when her pager goes off people think she is baking up
best yo mamma joke ever!!!!!!!!!
Yo mommas so fat she jumped and got stuck in Mid-Air
best yo mamma joke ever!!!!!!!!!
Yo mommas so stupid she watches the Three Stooges and takes notes
best yo mamma joke ever!!!!!!!!!
Yo mommas so short she jumped off the curb and commited suicide
best yo mamma joke ever!!!!!!!!!
Yo mommas so dumb she stayed up all night studying for her blood test!
best yo mamma joke ever!!!!!!!!!
Yo mommas so dumb she stayed up all night studying for her blood test!
best yo mamma joke ever!!!!!!!!!
yo momma is so fat she fell over and rocked herself to sleep trying to get up
I might die
wow, this hole thing is crazy...
Let's clean this place up
I might die
im glad to hear your okay..lol
#53 would i be creepy if i put ma fone number for people to text cause i is bored
i dont think it would be but i wouldnt put mine on here
When did you join?
i dont really like the idea...
End of the Year Bonus Points (+15 Points)
Needs to be more MEDAL games(: