Originally posted by aqva queenhahahhahhah all vdo r funnyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NuONuafxwk I have a funny one for you, leave! :)
Originally posted by aqva queenhahahhahhah all vdo r funnyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NuONuafxwk I have a funny one for you, leave! :)
Originally posted by DomLol! Dom has a dog?
Say hello to Butler Dog:
Originally posted by avajust the gun thinghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdGxkGk4taw
Originally posted by Generic NameWe went this far without mentioning this?
Originally posted by Tayyibah https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZURxrHeltGI&feature=youtube_gdata_playerLol!That's more funny then Generics.
Dumb ways to die......
So many dumb ways to die.
Originally posted by bendo you guys think they may put ash in this game because that will be the best pokemon game nintendo ever made to meWell Ash was in Pokemon Yellow, So I got to say maybe.
Originally posted by eClubLeaderSorry , there's no 3rd Founder , I will put you into Joint Founder . Please change your status at profile to eClub [Joint Founder] .Okay, and thanks for letting me join. ^_^
Thanks for joining eClub Clan [Yveltal] , I will PM you the rules for the Joint Founder in this eClub Clan.
Originally posted by eClubLeaderIf you don't want to join this Clan don't insult us , Just tell me you want to join or not.Name: Yveltal
Yveltal , follow this step :
1.Change your name to --> eC~[yourname]~
2.Change your status at profile to --> eClub [Recruit]
3.Post your name below , or you can request to be Founder.
Like I post above,now you free to be "Joint Founder"
Originally posted by Arfyisherewydmine is snivy so cuteOshawott is a better Black and White starter Pokemon in my opinion Tepig is my second favorite Because he evolves into a f***ing Emboar and I don't really like Snivy that much.
Originally posted by Generic Name252 Atk Teravolt Zekrom Outrage vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Reshiram: 438-516 (108.4 - 127.7%) -- guaranteed OHKOIsn't Kyruem the strongest dragon type or is it Black Kyruem?
252+ SpA Turboblaze Reshiram Draco Meteor vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Zekrom: 518-612 (151.4 - 178.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 Atk Teravolt Zekrom Outrage vs. 52 HP / 0 Def Kyurem: 476-564 (117.8 - 139.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
220+ SpA Kyurem Ice Beam vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Zekrom: 318-374 (92.9 - 109.3%) -- 56.3% chance to OHKO
252+ SpA Turboblaze Reshiram Draco Meteor vs. 52 HP / 0 SpD Kyurem: 566-668 (140 - 165.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO
220+ SpA Kyurem Earth Power vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Reshiram: 180-214 (44.5 - 52.9%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
In terms of the most commonly used movesets/stats, (regular) Kyurem is the worst out of the three. Both Reshiram and Zekrom can easily OHKO everyone, but the most commonly used Zekrom set is faster than both the most commonly used Reshiram and most commonly used Kyurem sets. Kyurem's set is faster than Reshiram's, but even with a critical hit, Reshiram won't die before it makes a move.
So, in terms of who would win:
1st Place: Zekrom
2nd Place: Reshiram
3rd Place: Kyurem
Now if we add the Kyurem forms...both forms can easily OHKO Zekrom and Reshiram, but the most commonly used White Kyurem set is slower than the most commonly used Zekrom set and Zekrom still can OHKO it.
And Black Kyurem can OHKO everything with Outrage as well as outspeed everything.
So if we include that, it goes:
1st Place: Black Kyurem
2nd Place: Zekrom
3rd Place: White Kyurem
4th Place: Reshiram
5th Place: Kyurem
And, Ben, as for the one (fully evolved) Pokemon I will never put on my team: Wormadam. Unevolved it would be Burmy. I just don't think they're worth anything...
Originally posted by Emo PrinceCool and do you have a genesect, yveltalI don't have Pokemon X and Y yet I am playing Pokemon Black and White though.
Originally posted by Emo PrinceHey yveltal do you have an Nintendo 3ds? If you do what's your friend code?Yes I do and my friend code is: 3497-0844-5077 and my nickname on my 3ds is Froakie.
Originally posted by Emo PrinceWhose an anime fan?My favorite anime's are Pokemon and Digimon.
Originally posted by benmy friend code is 1822-0504-3997Added you already btw.
Originally posted by Generic NameWe went this far without mentioning this?Dumb ways to die. Lol!
Originally posted by ChochiNew Topic > How do you imagine Spidey ? Tom ? Mimi ? and ... Generic ?Here's a picture of Generic Mii on 3ds. I'm wondering if this is how Generic looks like
Post a pic.
Originally posted by |FBG$| VeKoThis forum has too many nominations and not enough votes. I suppose I'll vote for Para.New Rule : You can vote for more then one person since a lot of people joined this year. You can also vote for members that don't come on the community.
Originally posted by It's A Me...Mario!What the hell is this?
Originally posted by CharlesFoxKaysIt's 6-9 inches this weekend. Hot damn.
Originally posted by avaidk if i have oneThen what's the point of posting if you don't know.