
Recent posts by Sofia

Name your favorite band(s) :D
Level 35
462 Posts
So many bands...
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Guns n' Roses
Alice in Chains (just some)
AC/DC (hell yeah!)
Twisted Sisters (I wanna ROCK)
Franz Ferdinand (S2)
The Pretty Reckless (why not?)
Capital Inicial (from my home country... just great)
Waiting For Hanger 3 Game.
Level 35
462 Posts
Oooh I thought you were talking about that famous book collection and films, with Jennifer Lawrence and that kid from Zathura...
A doctor says to his patient....
Level 35
462 Posts
A priest, a rabbi, a doctor, a black man and a blonde woman walks into a bar.
The barman asks: "Is this some kind of a joke??"

Chatroom test
Level 35
462 Posts
When I click in right, bottom link "chat", it goes to the chat lobby instead of the private chat. I guess it's a commom problem to everyone... But lobby chat works fine to me. ^^
King AJ's Castle
Level 35
462 Posts
Yay anarchy! ...... Waaaait... If you're anarchist you wouldn't be a/the ruler. So, no, try another political point of view for hostile takeovers. Try dictatorial-twisted-confuse communism. Should work now.

Hm, I could do two or three great things as a confused communist... If I somehow get that power, surely I will kill you guys last. You're welcome. :3
King AJ's Castle
Level 35
462 Posts
This corner looks kinda slippery, hm...

It's a nice place to go with a lot of friendly bikers. Always have wanted to travel on a nice road like that one.
But seems dangerous and creepy at night, so... no.
King AJ's Castle
Level 35
462 Posts
So... Aliens?
A doctor says to his patient....
Level 35
462 Posts
Ava has given this forum some peace!
Originally posted by ShawnThe forum is free!
King AJ's Castle
Level 35
462 Posts
How the hell things move without physical interference?
I can't think in other answer. It can only be...


End of discussion. Next topic... :P
King AJ's Castle
Level 35
462 Posts
Waiting to attack us while we are distracted...
Level 35
462 Posts
Originally posted by CharlesFoxKaysLove is as fake as compassion. I'm done with it, as my heart was ripped from it's home in my chest. I'll tell you this, kid, if you're young, stop. Your life will be RUINED by relationships. They're stupid....

But I contradict myself. I'm alone, but don't want a relationship because I'll just get hurt again. And I tell you this, I'd wait until you're in your 20's, have a house, a career, and can actually support a family. Otherwise, it won't last....
Hehe, so naive... But it's your life and your point of view. If you manage to live like that, fine...
But, if you're young and sad like Charles, a person who got his heart broken too soon, don't be a freaking old veteran guy who lost his entire team...... Mate, you still have your whole life to know someone nice, who you can be with without questioning if he/she will stole your phone to check your messages... Or stole your money.......
Originally posted by Generic NameAnd with that, I'm going to assume two things. First: this girl is young. And two: this girl just recently started a new relationship.
If you're young and in love, don't be naive. It can end. Or not. Enjoy every single time with the person, anyway.
Your "meant do be together" looks like a marriage to me. Just enjoy your relashionship, mate. You don't know if it will last years or end tomorrow. Just be happy.

That's what I know. Never had my heart broken so hard I have to cry. And I'm easily hurt, right.
King AJ's Castle
Level 35
462 Posts
Oooooh thanks, mate. The fact that I still click on the newest posts and end in a empty page still annoys me, tho.

LIFE FACT: When younger I didn't know how to say "empty" right, so I keep saying something like "empipt" (the "i" like in "hi") hehe.
A doctor says to his patient....
Level 35
462 Posts

Made of the most pure stardust ever found in this Universe *-*
True perfection *-*
King AJ's Castle
Level 35
462 Posts
Anyone having an issue with the forum page 104 being empty? It's annoying me... D:
A doctor says to his patient....
Level 35
462 Posts
Originally posted by JonathanThere was a Asian, Mexican, and a American all on a ship and they were supposed to get of everything they to much of so the Asian picks up rice and throws it over bored and says "get this out of here we have to much of this gt it out" then the Mexican picks up a taco and throws it over bored and says get "get this out of here we have to much of this get it out" then the American picks up the Mexican and throws him over bored and says "get these out of here we have to much of these get\'em out of here*"
Hm, not funny... And I'm a easily-amazed person.
Since we are lacking a chat system at the current moment...
Level 35
462 Posts
Well, I'm on. But ya not going to know KNOW me... Just the basics, for a nice talk. I kinda changed since I left the forums; my way of thinking got more mature I guess. Well, I don't need to tell who I am, just read how I write, laugh and criticize, and have your own impression of me! I hope it is a good one :3

This is a philosophical post. I'm happy today.
A doctor says to his patient....
Level 35
462 Posts
Originally posted by Lolah
Originally posted by Sofia
Originally posted by Breeze
Originally posted by avai will kill A doctor if he or she touch me in the face
In the face?? lol
Wow, if you mean a Doctor trying to attack me, or punch my face... Damn, I would punch the Doc's face too, of course... But why TOUCH your face??? It seems scary D:
This made me laugh, somehow.
Originally posted by avai don't want to be 8 which im not 8 im 14 oh and um sofia ok
Seems like, she didn't understand a word she said.
I didn't understand her or she didn't understand me? I got lost, damn.
A doctor says to his patient....
Level 35
462 Posts
Originally posted by Breeze
Originally posted by avai will kill A doctor if he or she touch me in the face
In the face?? lol
Wow, if you mean a Doctor trying to attack me, or punch my face... Damn, I would punch the Doc's face too, of course... But why TOUCH your face??? It seems scary D:
This made me laugh, somehow.
King AJ's Castle
Level 35
462 Posts
Ooooh now I get it, your job. I was thinking damn high here.

Charles, what I just read? o.O
Also, that's why I said about the terms of condition stuff. If you don't read it, probably there is a clause like "I allow company X to turn on my microphone device when they want". That's stupid, but if you sign it, nothing yo can do for a small amount of time untill you call your lawyer and sue then for invasion of privacy. Meanwhile, they an discover plenty of useful things for then.
King AJ's Castle
Level 35
462 Posts
Originally posted by CharlesFoxKays
Originally posted by Generic Name voluntarily wire tapped phone line...

That is if you don't mind the NSA illegally spying on Americans.
Why only Americans? Why not the rest of the world? I don't guess it's illegal if they signed up for it. Contracts and terms of condition, this kind of legal stuff...

Generic... Do you have permission to talk about your job? I don't know... just... do ya? Hehe, but what you do, is for improving your kind of recognizing system, right. So people sign up, pretend a conversation and your company try all kind of forms to mask the voices. Then, you discover it again to see if it worked?
King AJ's Castle
Level 35
462 Posts
Yay! I will pretend you read it all just because of me! :D

Of course 1 years = 2 semesters hehe. Including this one? But we are on January... So are you finishing it in the middle of the year? And you had a speciffic art class in a whole semester, still in high school? I know it's a different organization, but that's way different! D:
Here, this kind of ending the semester, after the 1st half of the year, is pretty commom only in Universities.

And about the nasty things... okaaay... Buuut if you ain't a curious person, I guess that makes someone pretty-ok with their work! Nothing to worry about! ...Right?
King AJ's Castle
Level 35
462 Posts
Generic, that's what I call a awesome work. Looks kinda like a "counter-spying-thing", and is a pretty neat ramification of your graduation (or majoring, I got confused with the names). I was interested in Electrical Engineering, thinking more in the awesome thing it is electricity (it's magic with science, that's for sure!) and also in the "easy" work - things such as wire systems and stuff, in buildings and industries, easy to find if your good on it. I was thinking really small D:

Charles, I only find what I wanted in the very last minute. I was interested on many other courses; until last year I wanted Medicine (?)/Medical School (damn names...), but it's really - I mean, REALLY difficult to pass due the amount of people wanting it. And my grades weren't that great (they were... good) to ensure my place in University for that course.

By the way, I have no idea what is a Junior... Learned about naming that kind of thing long time ago. How many years/semesters you have to finish High School?
King AJ's Castle
Level 35
462 Posts
The freedom probably comes with caring about the classes even more and a more mature way of thinking. Oh, and it's Biomedicine. Joining the research team. :)
I got curious! What kind of research you make?
King AJ's Castle
Level 35
462 Posts
Aw well, I will have to deal with the same problem in my future. Just finished school/high school/the first part of my life (this explain why I have disappeared) and I'm going for the next chapter of life, University. That's why I might be gone again.
About the procrastinating... I guess University ain't the same as school. I'll be enjoying most of the classes I'll have (if I'm right with my life-time choice) so most of the time I will certainly want to study and work, just to get better - and than I can be cocky about it. hehehe
King AJ's Castle
Level 35
462 Posts
Kinda busy and easily forgetting things, such as my gamer part and spirit of posting.
And weeell probably yea, like, 92.6% of chance - maybe - I disappear... But I will always be back, that's for sure :)
What about you, mates?
King AJ's Castle
Level 35
462 Posts
Oh man... I have no idea of what happened here in my absence, since I stopped posting and watching forums and stuff... I'm a polite person so have read the last 2 pages of posts and that's what touched my heart:
Originally posted by CharlesFoxKaysNo. It's because our little circle of friends have broken from this site. Kinda died off.
Man... I must have hurt so many people here... I'm a monster!
By the way, I guess your hair haven't changed much, Charles.
Brazilians' protests
Level 35
462 Posts
Brazil is known for its great places for tourism as it is known for the massive corruption that run in our public safes. People here are so anger and frustated with all the problems in the public services (such as bad public transportation, bad public hospitals and expensive health care, bad public education) that the increase of "just" 20 cents of Real in the price of our public transportation (bus, trains, subways and ferryboats, that are really bad and don't worth what we pay for it) started manifestations with hundred and now thousand of people. It started because of this increasement; now we say "it is not only 20 cents", and our protests are also for better public services and work condition, free tickets (transport) for students, "no more corruption" things and many other demands.

Some demands are quite precipitated, and I hope we get better clarification about what we want and what we can make happen. Today, the transportation prices decreased for its original price (and that's a win), but the gap that those 20 cents will make will be reflected in the investment on another areas (as said by the mayor of Rio)...
Also, the protests are truly pacific, but we always have vandals destroying shop glasses, painting historic monuments and stuff at the end. In the same way, our military forces are abusing and attacking not only vandals, but also pacific people...

The price have decreased, yes, but the protests are still happening.
Brazilians' protests
Level 35
462 Posts
Hey, I don't know if you guys know about these protests happening in Brazil. As some people here might know, I'm Brazilian, and I thought it would be nice to discuss and let more people know about it; here we have different people from different places, with different ages and different ways of thinking.

I would like to know what you are hearing about our protests, your opinions and position about it! Of course, the Brazilians here must post their opinions to create different arguments and better explanation! I'll try to explain in the most neutral way I can, giving my point of view as well!
Favorite super smash bros character
Level 35
462 Posts
Ganondorf or Ike. Both move really slow but after learning how to play as them it gets better.
Level 35
462 Posts
How original.
Who hates being sick?
Level 35
462 Posts
Being sick makes you create immunological defense against strange bodies. The more you get sick and survive, more developed are your genetics. Sickness make you stronger. Of course, until you die.
Hanger Development
Level 35
462 Posts
How about a Tron level? With neon platforms and constructions, neon background and a character with that neon suit :D
Or a Lord of the Rings level, themed obstacles, Mordor with Eye of Sauron as background, and a hobbit's suit as character :D
Hanger Development
Level 35
462 Posts
The nice thing about it is that each level has a theme and a character to follow it. No character customization, that's the simple thing. Their is a videogame-like song to follow the essence of the level, but the music is always repeated in many other levels. More songs following new levels would be nice.
Hanger Development
Level 35
462 Posts
Well, I like specific things! ^^

Timo's chasing monster idea would be great in final level. Doesn't need to be a "solid monster", but maybe the area behind the character gets darker, with tentacles or something that creates suspense and let the player get anxious. I don't know why tentacles, but tentacles monsters get anything scary.

As ideas, I was thinking in a nightmare-style level, with a screen style like the one in level 5 (Spotlight) from Hanger 2, a dark 8-bit music and a simple character. Maybe on this one and others scary-themed levels you could add falling platforms! When you're going to swing, the platform fall off after some seconds (just adding a litle bit of rush in the game).
The game need a female character, but nothing too feminine, because it would be unbearable. I was thinking in a Tomb Raider theme, with a Lara Croft character.
The "Arcade Style" (level 23) from Hanger 2 have already Pacman and Asteroids, but doesn't have a Pinball reference! A level with pinball theme, with all the flashy lights and old-arcade game sounds when hitting platforms, moving metal balls in the screen and stuff!

A interative final credits, where you can still swing and see the developers name and stuff.
A unlockable level where, after getting a certain amount of stars, you can play endless and without getting damage, just for fun!

Of course, in the GamesButler's level the Butler's character NEED to hold a butler's tray (or whatever is the name of that thing he holds!), with the red bow tie, of course.

This post was too long, and I hope it was worthy to read!
Updated Header
Level 35
462 Posts
This is a great look, with the Butler in the logo and an all-time progress bar! Also, showing recently played games with the saved ones was some nice thing! Great changes!
updated chat!
Level 35
462 Posts
Dom, I can't open any game window in Safari D:
40k members! Random T-Shirt giveaway ^_^
Level 35
462 Posts
Haha, congrats!
35k members! Random T-Shirt giveaway ^_^
Level 35
462 Posts
Originally posted by Generic NameSweet.

And then again, aren\'t we all like shy and awkward?

Yep! Hehe, no one looks normal if we look them closely... hehe... he...
35k members! Random T-Shirt giveaway ^_^
Level 35
462 Posts
Btw, I took this with an old camera. The image isn't that good. It's pixelated. And it's really oversized (like the shirt ˆˆ)... but the intention is good!
I GOT IT!!! IT'S MINE!!!!!
Yep, I'm pretty shy... :3
which is better milk chocolate or dark chocolate
Level 35
462 Posts
Milk chocolate, but I prefer white chocolate with cookies. :DDD
Why must you?
Level 35
462 Posts
Well, my brother mocks me because I listen to Franz Ferdinand. I don't care for his opinions, but I don't keep telling him about that band music. He won't understand and I will just be annoying to him.
I think Loki is a misunderstood god with his reasons and ways to make good for the people (according to Thor movie, not comics).
I love Adventure time.
I can't whistle.
People go too far sometimes. When you posted that sentence in bold font it made me angry. In my opinion, you're wrong because you couldn't make sense in one forum. So you can read this and mock me because I can't whistle or you can read this and give your opinion about that. Are you going to think if I'll be mad with your answer or if I'll laugh of it? You can't know, but it´s your choice to be polite, funny or bully.

Friends? :D
What is your favorite legendary?
Level 35
462 Posts
Originally posted by Mostafox A REAL pokemon fan, should like all pokemon. Not just Generation Ones.
No, a REAL pokemon fan likes all pokemons but Jigglypuff and the other meaningless pokemons.
35k members! Random T-Shirt giveaway ^_^
Level 35
462 Posts
Originally posted by Darth Revan(Jellal Fernandes)CONGRATS Sofia

Great gif! It was just like that here.
I was thinking in something like that win/lucky-baby-on-the-beach meme :D
35k members! Random T-Shirt giveaway ^_^
Level 35
462 Posts
Thanks man, I never won anything on internet...
35k members! Random T-Shirt giveaway ^_^
Level 35
462 Posts
Thanks for the congrats ˆˆ
I'm really happy ;DDD
What is your favorite legendary?
Level 35
462 Posts
Originally posted by Generic Name
Which is your favorite legendary Pokemon?
1. Articuno
2. Zapdos
3. Moltres

I see what they did there!
35k members! Random T-Shirt giveaway ^_^
Level 35
462 Posts
I can't wait for 50,000 members! :D
Is frankenstine a zombie?
Level 35
462 Posts
And his name is Frankenstein, not Frankenstine. ˆˆ
Emo vs. Goth
Level 35
462 Posts
No, I posted that like 4 months ago.
Messages deleted
Level 35
462 Posts
Now I can't remember who stole my medals!
btw my message box was aways showing that I had 1 unread message, but I had read them all... weird...